small business seo company

How Small Businesses Should Choose Your Keywords For SEO

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a vital part of any digital marketing strategy. Unlike social media and advertising, SEO does not happen instantaneously. It can take time to find the right approach. And that ultimately comes down to the choice of keywords targeted. Using a small business SEO company is a sure-fire way to ensure the right research is undertaken when finding suitable phrases that will improve their rankings on search engine results pages (SERP). 

Keyword Research

Before you start to write content in regard to SEO marketing for a small business, it is important to first research. You need to have a good idea of what will get you the most visits to your website. What is your target audience searching for? What is relevant to your business?

Firstly, you should find keyword research tools to help identify these terms. SEMrush and SE Ranking are great examples; which are typically used by a small business SEO company when performing SEO marketing campaigns for clients. This way, SEO specialists can find keywords. 

Look at their search volume (we recommend between 300 and 800 for small businesses) and difficulty. From there, the rest of the content can begin. Start writing weekly articles that have your chosen keyword scattered throughout. Look at your web copy and optimise it. 

When choosing keywords, you should think about their relevancy to your small business and audience; what keywords your competitors are ranking for; and the overall tone of voice you want to omit. Use a small business SEO company that can meet all these requirements. 

Target Locally

For small businesses, it can be hard to widen their audiences. However, for local services and companies, this is made easier with SEO marketing. Customers are likely to search for services “near me” or “local”. So, use this. Throughout your web content (copy and articles), you can implement local keywords so that you specifically target those in the area.

Using tools such as SE Ranking and SEMRush, you can change the settings to show how your small business ranks in a particular area. Although the business may have a high ranking nationally, it could be on the top pages in the local area. Consequently, these local keywords can help boost your image in the community and overall sales. 

Long-Tail Keywords and Questions

Keeping an eye on search volume—the amount of individuals seeking a keyword—is an important small business SEO company tactic. Instead of focusing on high-volume keywords with a large number of searches, look for keywords with more manageable (lower) search volumes.

More than often, people will search for questions in search engines and add “long-tail” keywords in hope of finding a specific topic. Instead of just focusing on a keyword like “SEO”, why not focus on something more niche? Like, “small business SEO company”? See what we did there. It will help your rankings on search engines and help prove your authenticity to Google

Be My Social

Be My Social offers a range of digital marketing services to support businesses across the UK, including social media, email and SEO marketing. Our small business SEO company can help you gain more organic traffic to your website; optimising content with keywords and adding relevant copy to become authentic to search engines. Put your faith in the hands of a local SEO company that understands the assignment. Find out about our SEO marketing services here

For more information on our services, fill out our online form and a member of our team will shortly be in touch. Or, follow our Instagram for daily helpful tips on how to improve your overall brand identity.