
Here are four Twitter mistakes that will cost you

So, you’ve been reading all the articles about starting up a social media marketing account to increase your audience reach. As a consequence, you’ve probably started a Twitter account.

While this is a decision that can ultimately be excellent for your business, are you sure you’re doing it right? You might unwittingly be making mistakes that could negatively impact potential results. For example, you may be fully automating all your posts. While this might relieve some of your time, real interaction is still vital. Otherwise, you might just end up looking like a robot that cares about nothing more than to grab attention and make money.

Here are four marketing mistakes on Twitter you must avoid at all costs:

1. Paying for followers

You may have received or seen an offer at some point for a thousand followers for a mere £5.00. While these accounts may follow you, do not ever fall for it. They’re usually ‘bot’ accounts that have been set up automatically – so even if you get the followers, it’ll just be a vanity metric. None of the accounts will ever show interest in what you have to offer, meaning that the number of followers will be nothing but fluff.

It’s going to look really weird to customers when you have 50,000 followers and just a few likes of your posts. This will only take something away from your brand. Don’t do it!

2. Not utilising hashtags appropriately

If you’ve never used hashtags before, you may find yourself either under-using or even over-using hashtags on your post. To stop this from happening, always follow the rule of thumb of approximately two hashtags per twitter post. Also, those hashtags must relate directly to your post. For this reason, think of your hashtags as keywords.

This means that, if you are posting something about jogging shoes, your hashtags can include #jogging and #joggingshoes. People who are interested in those two “keywords” will run into your post, giving you a chance at converting a potential customer.

3. Posting content not made for Twitter

While you may be tempted to post your Facebook or Instagram content straight into Twitter, note that they will not be optimised for it. 

For example, if your Facebook posts contain way over 140 words, you will need to reduce it. One of the ways you can do so is with a URL shortener to carry it out. Also, when you are tagging people on Twitter, you will need to use the “@” function to do so.

In other words, take the time to optimize your content on Twitter. That way, it will become more relevant, not only to your business but to the users who use Twitter daily as well.

4. Not having a posting schedule

Posting whenever you feel like it is a huge mistake. Why so? People could come to expect content from you at certain times, but more importantly, there are clearly established ‘best practice’ guidelines on optimum posting times for each platform.

So it’s important to put proper thought into how you schedule your posts.

That way, users will know when to check daily for upcoming deals, promos, and so on – and you give your brand the best chance of reaching the maximum number of people when you post.


By realising these mistakes and avoiding them, you will be able to find greater success on the social media platform. We know that posting consistently and with relevant content will take its toll over time, and it will become increasingly harder and harder to do. For that reason, we will always recommend that you work with a full-service marketing team. With their help, your Twitter account will always be active, busy interacting with customers, and grabbing new attention with attractive tweets!

Are you looking for social media marketing services to help you with your Twitter marketing efforts? You get a great deal by working with a Yorkshire company! Our dedicated team based in Doncaster is ready to help you overcome your marketing mistakes and help you excel to the next level! Fill out our contact form to learn more.