web designer working on the responsiveness of a website

Why is Responsive Web Design Important?

Responsive web design can assist you in resolving a variety of issues with your website. It will make your website more mobile-friendly, enhance its appearance on devices with large and small screens, and increase the time visitors spend on your website. It can also help you to improve your website’s search engine rankings. Continue reading to learn why responsive design is critical for your company’s website.

What is Responsive Web Design?

Responsive design is a method of constructing a website in such a way that it instantaneously scales its content and elements to fit the screen size on which it is viewed. It restricts images from being larger than the screen width and saves mobile visitors from having to do additional work to read the content on your website. The ultimate goal of responsive design is to eliminate the needless scrolling and zooming that occurs on websites that have not been optimised for different devices. It is frequently difficult to navigate these sites, which may cost you potential customers who are becoming frustrated while attempting to figure out how to do something.

Why Should You Invest in Responsive Web Design? 

We live in a multi-screen culture. As a result, your website must be viewable across as many devices as possible, since you never know what device a customer will use to view your website. Here are just some of the many ways in which responsive web design can benefit your business.

Improved User Experience

Website owners must prioritise user experience. You want customers to like your website, and you need it to be simple to use so that they will return. If a customer visits your website on a mobile device and it takes forever to load or your images are low-resolution, it can make your company look unprofessional.

Nobody wants to do business with an unprofessional establishment. However, responsive design, which provides a far superior user experience, can help persuade customers to give your company a chance. But since zooming and scrolling will be eliminated, visitors will be able to view content more quickly, and their overall impression will be much more positive.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

SEO is a strategy used by many businesses to help them rank higher on Google’s search results pages. The higher you are on the list, the more likely it is that potential customers will find you. Responsive design can help with SEO because, as previously stated, Google prefers mobile-friendly websites. When combined with other SEO factors, responsiveness can provide a significant boost in search engine results. 

Ease of Management

Most businesses do not have a huge amount of time to update or refresh the appearance of their website. Hiring a website designer to handle every aspect of your website, responsive design allows you to make the changes, quickly and easily.

Furthermore, with your website being managed, other aspects of your marketing will be far easier to handle. You’ll never have to wonder whether you should link to the mobile or desktop site in a social media update, or whether all of your redirect links will work to get the right visitors to the correct page. Responsiveness helps reduce much of the stress associated with running a business website.

How Can Be My Social Help 

Here at Be My Social, we offer a variety of marketing services for businesses of all sizes. Including web design and responsive web design in Doncaster. Our website developers create bespoke websites for our clients, making sure that their site is correctly functioning and is fully optimised, by working with our copy creation experts. Hire Be My Social today and see how we can help your business grow. 

For more information on our services, or to receive a quote, fill in our online form. One of our team will shortly be in touch to see how we can help you. Or, why not follow us on Instagram? Our social media agency team posts regular updates on how to improve your online presence.