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Getting Your Brand Noticed Online

Like all businesses, whether start-up or long-established, you need to have a prominent presence online in order to survive. More and more people are turning to online shopping to buy their products, so your website needs to be visible in order to thrive. By establishing a target audience and aiming to attract their attention, you can build your web design, content and social media strategy around them.

All aspects of your online brand need to work together cohesively. Luckily, there are digital marketing companies out there to help you along the way. Here at Be My Social, we provide social media management, web design and search engine optimisation (SEO) in Doncaster and beyond. All kinds of businesses have benefitted from our services, and we can help you too. Read our article below to discover what you need to do to succeed. 

Web Design

Whether you’re looking to start from scratch or update your old site, a perfect website design can help drive up revenue and keep customers coming back for more. First things first, it needs to match your brand voice completely, and have a colour scheme that matches all the way through. This can make you more recognisable to your target audience, so don’t change your brand image too often. If you’re a small business, it’s expected that you’ll change frequently, but once you’ve found the right one for you, try to stick with it for as long as possible.

Furthermore, try and ensure that your website is easy to navigate and operate. If your potential customers find it difficult to seek out what they’re looking for, it can lead them to become frustrated and leave your site. With the help of a web design service, you can have the best website for your brand, allowing you to generate revenue easily. Here at Be My Social, we can help you attract the right customers with an optimal website, with easy access to different pages and ways to contact you directly.

Search Engine Optimisation For Brand Awareness

In order to appear higher up on search engine rankings such as Google, you need to have an effective SEO strategy in place. This can be difficult, especially if you don’t quite understand what search engine optimisation is. It’s a highly recommended tool for staying online, and can really boost your marketing efforts. When you share content on your website, certain keywords need to be included in order to make yourself visible to the customers you need.

We use a service called SE Ranking here at Be My Social, in order to track local SEO and keywords that your potential customers are searching for. This allows you to become more noticed on a local level, before progressing onto a national one. We can produce expertly-written content for your website in order to boost your presence online and get you ranking for keywords that matter to your potential customers and target audience.

Social Media Engagement

By being active on all social media platforms, it shows your audience that you’re a professional business still trading online. Make sure that your brand voice is present amongst all social network channels, as this makes you much more recognisable. Regularly posting to your social media accounts can drum up engagement and interest, especially if you reply to customer queries in the comments and messages.

Always make sure you’re polite, and listen to what the public has to say. Make sure you’re always approachable, as this can encourage your audience to engage with you more. Here at Be My Social, we can schedule posts and create them with your brand and tone of voice in mind. An effective social media marketing strategy can help boost your sales, especially if you opt for advertisements. We can create and monitor your social media advertisements, and help you gain the audience you need.

If you would like more information on how we can help you, please get in touch with us today by filling out our online form here.