instagram followers social media marketing agencies

How Can Your Business Get More Instagram Followers?

Social media. Pretty much has taken over our lives. Whether you use it to keep in contact with your school friends or to post what low-carb meal you had for brunch (we assume it contained avocado). Whatever the case, Instagram has now become a highly useful platform for businesses to expand their reach and gain more traffic to their website. With the help of social media marketing agencies, which have experts that understand the latest trends, businesses can implement a social media strategy and better sell their services. At Be My Social, we have experience working with clients from a range of sectors including food and restaurants and health and fitness.

So, what simple things can your business do to gain more Instagram followers? Find out from a social media agency.

Incorporate Reels

Who doesn’t love a little variety in their feed? Instead of posting the same logo and image, consider reels for your business social media profiles. These are short, fun videos that offer an opportunity for users to be creative with the audio and effects. 

For social media marketing agencies, this is relatively new territory. So, it is hard to state a perfect algorithm for Instagram. However, keeping your content fresh and up-to-date with changing times is always a good idea to maintain followers. Ensure your content is both relatable and simple, but still has the desired effect to attract potential customers and gain more traffic to your business website. You can also use Reels Insights to observe patterns and check the levels of insights each post receives. Either by the number of likes or views. 

Here at Be My Social, we offer services that larger social media marketing agencies offer. Our team may be small, however, this just means we offer more personal and tailored marketing strategies for our clients. And this includes creating Instagram Reels; complete with bespoke graphics and illustrations. Find out more about our services here.

Organise Stories into Highlights

When a potential follower comes on your business profile, you just have a few seconds to convince them to stay and follow your services. Highlights are a simple and easy way to organise specific categories that your business covers.

Also, highlights can be utilised to give Stories a second life and motivate others to follow you so they don’t miss out on future Stories, as they only have a 24-hour lifespan.

Create a Post Grid

Brand identity. It’s important! Some may think that your business identity refers to just your logo and style scheme. But there’s so much more to consider. Especially on social media platforms.

The majority of your followers will stick with you not because of what you’ve posted in the past, but for what you will post in the future. Creating an Instagram grid, for which all your subsequent posts will follow is a great way to showcase your brand identity and maintain a recognisable look.

It helps your brand become distinct and separate you from your competitors. So, when your followers and potential customers are mindlessly scrolling through their feed, your design will stand out. From then, by keeping a schedule, your fan base will not only know what day or time your posts come out, but they will also have an idea of what to expect. Great for those who post weekly competitors or ask their customers for feedback on Instagram polls.

Check out our Instagram grid created by our social media team here at Be My Social. (We like the colour blue!)

Think About Hashtags

Your Instagram goal is to maintain regular engagement with audiences while also increasing the number of real followers. Posting fun and relevant content is great. But, how is your target audience going to see them? Player “Hashtags” has entered the game.

Hashtags allow users looking for specific terms to quickly locate your photos.

So, how do you choose which hashtags to use? Users on Instagram prefer certain hashtags over others. You’re significantly more likely to reach new users and be noticed if you include popular Instagram hashtags in your images. Work with social media marketing agencies who have experts in hashtags to fully understand which ones will help boost your online profile.

However, you and your business should also be aware of “blocked hashtags”. For more information, check out our previous article.

Be My Social

Be My Social is a digital marketing company that focuses on a wide range of services to improve a company’s online presence. Our social media team covers exactly what social media agencies have to offer. But, this is not all we do! 

Whether your business requires bespoke graphics for social media platforms or needs SEO techniques to boost your online profile. Here at Be My Social, we are here to help whatever the overall goal may be. Social media marketing agencies can vary in what they offer, but Be My Social do a little bit of everything!

For more information on our services, or to receive a quote, fill in our online form. A member of our team will shortly be in touch to see how we can help you and your business.