SEO Services

How Do Blogs Help SEO?

When you need answers to questions, Google search is almost always at your fingertips. It’s the first tool that people use to get their information instantly because search engines work at the click of a button. This means that no matter what information you have to offer people, you need to be visible on search engines in order to generate traffic. But this is easier said than done.

The best method for improving your chances of ranking in the top pages of search engines is to create a blog page. This SEO blog post will help to guide you on the right path.

The importance of blogs

Having a blog page on your website isn’t enough to get you to rank on Google on its own. Blogging platforms and regular posts are good for SEO as they support many Google ranking factors.

Frequently updated blog pages that are packed with high-quality content help to keep your site relevant with Google and other search engines. Keeping on top of the most frequent topics and stories happening within your industry will be noticed online.

If you need some inspiration, Wix has a catalogue full of blog templates that you can browse through. There are many other sources out there though!

Talk about what’s happening now

Woman reading a magazine on a table full of papers

Nothing puts people off a blog more than seeing content that was written years before. This can cause distrust with your audience immediately as the information which you are providing is outdated. This information could be inaccurate or have been modified since it’s initial publishing.

In addition to this, Google also doesn’t want to direct people to any uninformative blog posts. Frequently updating your website with fresh content signals to Google that your site is alive and not left in the dust.

Other pages like your homepage won’t need to be updated on a weekly basis. For this reason, a blog page would be a more practical option to index your website on the Google algorithm. Just bear in mind that this is not an overnight fix, reaching the top of search engine results pages is a process that will take time. Keep this in mind when planning your link building campaign.

Keeping users engaged

Audience engaged with performance in their seats

The top of Google’s priority list is to provide users with reliable information sources. If a person visits the first link on their search results page and then leaves within seconds, Google algorithm will make a note of this. If a person visits a link and then stays on it for a while, Google will favour this page or post as it shows that something is keeping people engaged.

If a person finds your website through one of your blog posts, it’s more likely that they are going to stay on your website to learn more about your company. This can only happen, however, if you fill your posts with plenty of internal links (which we will discuss more later) or by informing them of what it is that you do. This is vital for any content marketing campaign.

Reach your target keywords

Woman doing keyword research on her laptop

All SEO experts have one main goal that they set out to achieve from the beginning of their keyword research – ranking for the relevant key terms. People search for products and services online every day. If your business sells computer components, for example, then you will want to be ranking in the top ten for “computer accessories”.

This is a start, but you also need to bear in mind that you aren’t the only retailer in this market. There could be much larger competitors building their campaigns around this search term too. You need to be more specific wherever you can.

Long-tailed keywords are terms that are best suited for blog posts. You want to target high volume keywords in your services pages in order to drive your audience towards your selling points. Long-tailed keywords can be used in blogs in order to reach out to more specific Google searches.

These terms don’t drive as much traffic, but you can guarantee that anyone who reaches your post from one of these searches is from your target audience. Don’t forget to include your target keyword inside of your title tag and meta description, this is viewable on search engines.

Internal linking

Creating those connections to other sources from your site is extremely important in proper SEO. It helps to provide users with more engagement in additional content provided by you. Failure to do this could cost you valuable keyword rankings.

Internal linking is easy to do once you create rich content throughout your website. Once you start blogging for a while, you’ll find that certain topics in previous posts are relevant to other things you want to talk about. More pages and posts make for more internal linking opportunities, favouring your post in algorithms. A page linked from a blog can also help improve your audience engagement.

Truly connect with your audience

While the physical copy is what Google wants to see done right, it’s the impact which you leave on your audience that truly matters. If someone reads a blog post by you and loves it, they’re likely to want to share that same experience with other people. This will result in more traffic being driven to your website and could even lead to some more newsletter signups.

This is not only great from an SEO perspective, but it also helps to represent your business in the right way. People can only truly connect with your content if it is sincere and trustworthy, in the long run, this could be more valuable than ranking in the top spot on Google. Blogs are the perfect way to make these connections with whoever you are looking to reach out to.

If you’re looking to supplement your marketing efforts with an effective Search Engine Optimisation strategy, get in touch with us today at Be My Social to see how we can help!

For more SEO advice or help understanding our services, read more of our blogs.