Search Engine Optimisation VS Artificial Intelligence

Search Engine Optimisation VS Artificial Intelligence: Is AI Taking Over?

Search engine optimisation makes user experience personalised by providing genuine human emotion. This is implemented through optimised content that is tailored to its user experience. Artificial intelligence however involves technical filters and systems to recognise patterns in data and acts accordingly. 

When it comes to online e-commerce especially, some people would argue artificial intelligence analyses data in a much more accurate and concise way than humans can. With the systems being built similar to human programming except at a much quicker rate. This saves time and money and therefore begs the question is artificial intelligence superior to Search Engine Optimisation? 

Although SEO works in a similar way by using search engines and filters, the difference between search engine optimisation and artificial intelligence is that humans are the ones to analyse this data and then apply it in a way which is personalised to the public eye. 

Pros & Cons Of Search Engine Optimisation

One advantage of artificial intelligence especially when it comes to e-commerce, is that it gives powered product recommendations. The way in which it accomplishes this is by analysing customer data, purchase history, and browsing history to suggest products that customers are likely to be interested in. 

When it comes to e-commerce and general online marketing, tactics like this can help push traffic and encourage engagement. On the contrary, some people may argue artificial intelligence is a breach of human privacy and uses its data to manipulate consumers. 

Although search engine optimisation also collects data on what people are searching for, it is very generalised to public search and doesn’t target individual consumers. Therefore optimises content to suit more of a but reveals more of a generalisation of trending topics. 

Not that this isn’t a slight breach of privacy, but it isn’t an as targeted service as what artificial intelligence is. 

Another benefit of artificial intelligence is that it does improve the overall security of e-commerce platforms through fraud-detection software. This prevents scams, viruses, and chargebacks. It makes the internet a safer place to be and does put prevention measures in place. 

This means that online businesses and their consumers aren’t as vulnerable to exploitation or leakages in data, which is reassuring for both business owners and customers.

Pros & Cons Of Artificial Intelligence

One advantage of artificial intelligence especially when it comes to e-commerce, is that it gives powered product recommendations. The way in which it accomplishes this is by analysing the following: 

  • Customer Data
  • Purchase history
  • Browsing history 

Artificial intelligence will then use all of this information to suggest products that customers are likely to be interested in. 

When it comes to e-commerce tactics like this can help push traffic and encourage engagement. On the contrary, some people may argue artificial intelligence is a breach of human privacy. Alternatively, would even go as far as to suggest it uses its data to manipulate consumers. 

Although search engine optimisation also collects data on what people are searching for, it is very generalised to public search. Therefore doesn’t target individual consumers, but reveals more of a generalisation of trending topics. 

Not that this isn’t a slight breach of privacy, but it isn’t an as targeted service as what artificial intelligence is. 

Another benefit of artificial intelligence is that it does improve the overall security of e-commerce platforms. The way it accomplishes this is via fraud-detection software. This prevents scams, viruses, and chargebacks. It makes the internet a safer place to be and does put prevention measures in place. 

This means that online businesses and their consumers aren’t as vulnerable to exploitation or leakages in data. This is reassuring for both business owners and customers.

Why Place SEO Over AI In The World Of Marketing

Marketing is all about building relationships with people and networking; not only over the phone, through email campaigns, but also business in general. 

Forming such connections demands a level of relatability; being able to listen, understand, and empathise with people using a degree of compassion to build trust. This is something no amount of advancement of AI would be able to ever provide – its purely numerical data and application of such. 

Not to mention, many people would prefer a one-on-one personalised experience, with an individual client willing to listen to their issue and resolve it, as opposed to addressing a robot. 

Final thoughts 

In conclusion, both artificial intelligence and SEO have their benefits. However, there is just that human touch to be experienced through the human connection that AI simply cannot deliver. 

In the world of business, networking is essential for success and ai isn’t able to initiate that on a deeper level. It’s a database which is inhumane and doesn’t have the capacity to deal with, feel, or resonate with human emotion. 

How can BeMySocial help 

We are a digital marketing agency located in Doncaster that specialises in making businesses like yours grow to become successful. We offer multiple services such as search engine optimisation and branding, to name a few. Contact us today to find out how we can help you and your business.