SEO south yorkshire

SEO: 4 Reasons Why You Should Optimise Your Site

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is an incredibly important tool in the development and expansion of your business’s online presence. Creating copy and pieces of content full of relevant keywords for your web page is essential in driving traffic to your website and improving your ranking on search engines such as Google. Search engines understand when a website is important to an audience, so you will be marked up or down depending on the implementation of SEO. Here at Be My Social, we provide SEO in South Yorkshire and across the country.

Including popular search terms and relevant keywords that conform with your brand can enhance user experience and will make a target audience more inclined to buy your services or products. Understanding SEO, including meta descriptions and meta tags, can be hard to fully understand straight away. With the correct implementation and dedication, your business will be thriving online in no time.

We perform high-quality keyword research to ensure that your site is as optimised as possible and discoverable on search engines like Google. Our SEO services have been helping businesses acquire leads and sales across the country, and we could be doing the same for you. If you need more reasons as to why you should start implementing technical SEO, read our article below.


One of the most important reasons why businesses invest time and money into successful SEO implementation is the fact that it can make websites much more visible on search engines. For instance, if someone has a search query such as “bakeries near me,” a bakery in the local area with excellent SEO performance and title tags could appear right at the top of Google. This can lead to an increase in outreach and sales.

Search engine optimisation shouldn’t be implemented too heavily, however. If you stuff a page with the same keyword or term too many times, Google may sanction your site, and knock you down the rankings. In a society where pretty much everyone is online, it’s important to make sure you knock the rest of the competition out of the park and take your place on the first page of Google. To do this, you need an excellent SEO strategy.

Here at Be My Social, a service providing social media management and SEO in South Yorkshire, we use a helpful software called SE Ranking which allows us to track the keywords that are performing well and ones you could be targeting. 


No matter your brand and tone of voice, you’re going to want to sound knowledgeable and professional in order to have authority over the competition and your customers. By appearing higher on search engines, you can establish your brand as a force to be reckoned with. Most customers are likely to only view the first page of Google, maybe the second if they’re really determined. Appearing right there for all your potential customers allows you to appear like the optimal candidate.

Another ranking factor for SEO is the inclusion of links. Outbound and internal links can be a signal to Google that your site is a respected citation and quality source for extra information. Including backlinks can be a great tool for SEO implementation and development, and can increase the professional look and feel of your website.

Our implementation of SEO in South Yorkshire and beyond has a proven track record of being successful and beneficial to businesses far and wide. We can provide a bespoke service suited to you and your preferences, as we really get to grips with your brand and attract the audiences that matter to you.


When you appear higher on Google, you garner traffic, which in turn drives up sales. People usually browse the internet to either find out information or purchase items and when you write articles full of SEO keywords, you’re doing both. Articles can bring those who search to your site without them even having the intention of purchasing anything, but once they’re on your site, there’s always a chance they’ll make that move!

For instance, if you’re a clothing store that provides online orders and deliveries, then you’re going to want to implement keywords that revolve around clothing and online sales in order to attract a suitable audience. Once you’ve got them on the site, that’s where your web design and engagement come into it. Here at Be My Social, we not only provide expert SEO help but can help you design your website to make it easy to navigate and perfect for your target audience. If you’re a start-up business, you can read some of our website tips here.

Brand Awareness

There are many factors that go hand-in-hand when trying to display a solid brand identity online. Your tone of voice, colour scheme and even the products or service you’re providing all tie together to give an audience a clear view of your position. If you’re a business selling quirky clothing, for instance, you want your brand to be fun, engaging and upbeat. It’s no good having dark colours and formal tones to represent who you are. Unless you’re a solicitors firm, for example.

Making your target audience aware of your brand makes you instantly recognisable to them should they choose to use your services again, and therefore increases your sales and gets you noticed. An increase in traffic to your website makes Google happy, so it can lead to your search engine ranking being increased. Keywords associated with your brand must be implemented in order to get the customers that matter to you. Here at Be My Social, we’re dedicated to helping small businesses reach their full potential online. A service providing SEO in South Yorkshire and beyond, we know exactly which tools to use to get you ranking higher on Google and making those all-important sales. For more information, or to inquire about a quote, please contact us by filling out our online form here.