traineeships for marketing careers

How Traineeships Can Help Address the Digital Marketing Skills Gap

Unlike other sectors, digital marketing is still relatively new. With the creation of the internet and advanced technology, digital marketing has grown into mainstream society and has become useful for the growth of pretty much every business. However, with great power comes a great need for marketing careers and skills. 

Transitioning from standard marketing (billboards, leaflets etc.) into digital marketing (social media advertising, SEO) includes adding new skills that previously weren’t needed. This evolution now means that marketing skills overlap with those required in the digital sphere. Therefore, a skills gap has emerged across these industries. Though people may want a career in marketing, there are certain hurdles to address and ways that traineeships for marketing careers can help. 

What Skills Are Missing?

The market is in desperate need of talent and is short on skills in fields like analytics, content marketing, SEO and website development. Teams are unable to innovate as quickly as they could be due to these skills gaps, leaving them underqualified to perform to their maximum potential.

Businesses are failing when it comes to developing a diverse and competent team. This is because junior team members lack essential marketing skills. Adding to this, senior executives often lack familiarity with the digital parts of marketing positions.

How Traineeships Can Help Marketing Careers?

Though the skills gap has been developed in the digital sectors, where a government study found that 14.1% of businesses had a lack of digital know-how, this can be addressed by aiding with training. Many people leaving university, or even those wanting to explore marketing careers but not knowing where to begin, may turn to traineeships. 

This allows marketing businesses to train new staff from the ground up. Helping grow and develop these digital skills, that once the traineeship has ended, can be put to good use. This means your business helping address the skills gap. Furthermore, you are also actively helping bring it closer together and develop your local area.

Developing Transferable Skills

But, it’s not just digital skills these traineeships can help with. For many starting traineeships, this will most likely be not just their first marketing career, but maybe their first job ever. Especially 18-year-olds just coming out of secondary school. 

This allows your business to give them transferable skills that they can adapt to any industry. We’re talking about working in a team. We’re talking about problem-solving. You know, the standard questions you’ll get in every job interview. These traineeships will develop these skills and will further their career. If they stay in marketing, it benefits us all!

Be My Social

Here at Be My Social, we are a local company that focuses on providing high-quality digital marketing services to businesses across the UK. Based in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, we cover a range of marketing skills including SEO, social media planning and advertising. All while focusing on developing marketing careers in the area. 
For more information on how we can help the digital marketing for your business, fill in our online form. Or, why not follow us on Instagram? Our social media team posts daily helpful tips on how to better market your brand identity.