google seo algorithm

Adapting to Google Algorithm Updates with Be My Social

As technology becomes more advanced and updates are rolling out every couple of months, it is important for businesses that are focusing on Google SEO campaigns to remain vigilant on the latest revisions. Google plays a major role in confirming a website’s relevance and authenticity, so therefore, those companies that rely heavily on SEO to widen their audiences need to be aware of the May 2022 “broad core algorithm” update. 

But, what does this mean? Let’s break down the new Google SEO algorithm and what it means for users. 

What is the new Google Update?

Google creates and designs core upgrades to improve Search in general and stay up-to-date with the evolving nature of the web. While there is nothing distinctive to any one site in a core upgrade, these updates may cause some visible changes in how certain sites run.

Businesses can expect noticeable changes, such as spikes or drops in search engine results. However, this is nothing to do with just one website. These pages that may be affected are just being reassessed and compared to the rest of the web content since the last update. Google SEO specialists, for both content writing and technical SEO, need to be aware that there may be certain changes in their rankings. Remember to use tools such as SEMRush and SERanking to monitor progress and see what keywords have altered. 

What Does This Mean For SEO?

Now more than ever, high-quality and fresh content matters when performing search engine marketing and writing content specifically for SEO. Content writers should focus on making sure that what they are writing is not only relevant to the company but also fully optimised for when Google crawls it. 

This includes; ensuring there is SEO link building (whether this is internally or to other relevant websites); keyword research that will help the website rank on search engines (connected to the services they provide) and uploading fresh content to prove authenticity. 

Although the update has the potential to change how websites are crawled and indexed on search engine results pages, we still don’t know how long this will take until it’s in effect. Google has said that it is too early to assess the impact just yet, as it will still take a couple of weeks to roll out. 

For businesses, it is important to ensure you are using the correct SEO techniques to fully optimise content and boost visibility. Why not hire a marketing agency that understands how to operate a Google SEO specific campaign? These specialists not only will write fresh new content for your website but will make sure on-page and technical SEO is also implemented throughout. This can include anything from internal linking to adding optimised meta-descriptions and alt-images; bringing more users to your site and boosting rankings on Google. 

Be My Social

Here at Be My Social, we can create a bespoke Google SEO campaign specifically for your business. Our team of SEO specialists have experience in technical and on-page SEO. We use the latest SEO tools to ensure that we can monitor your progress to show you exactly what we have improved.

For more information on our services, fill in our online form. Whether you want us to create a Google  SEO campaign, or completely rebrand your business. We are here to help! Why not follow us on Instagram? Our team posts regular content on how to improve your online presence.